Anak Philippines started in 2002 as an initiative of two Dutch students from Groningen University, carrying to the Philippines a warm heart. As part of their research project they spent half a year in the slums of the Philippine city of Bacolod. The Philippines did not let go of them, they wanted to contribute to a better world. Helping children was the starting point and still is. From a small personal initiative evolved into a collaboration between the Dutch foundation Anak Philippines and its Philippine sister organization Anak Negros Inc. Meanwhile, more than 60 young people from Philippine slums in training and there are over 100 young people in recent years graduated successfully.
Anak is a small organisation. Anak has no illusions that it can improve the world. Anak rather focuses on a number of small, concrete projects, so we can make a difference. Anak supports Filipino children and youth living in difficult circumstances to make their dreams come true. Anak is convinced that promoting education is the best way to break the cycle of poverty
Anak promotes education. However, just education is not sufficient. The background of many Filipino children is often so problematic that additional support is needed. In the medical or psychological factors, in the form of an extra meal, but also in the form of facilities to be able to do their homework. Anak focuses also on personal development and creative expression.
Anak is working with local Filipino organisations and volunteers. After all, they know best what is needed in their own country! Anak does not prescribe others how certain things need to be addressed. For this reason, the Dutch sister foundation Anak Negros Inc. was founded with a Filipino board. Anak in the Netherlands is mainly engaged in fundraising activities and branding. Anak Philippines is focused on the daily implementation and monitoring of the various projects Anak.
Anak does not believe in ‘pampering’ or pettiness. Of course, the difficult conditions in which children live are very sad, but indeed we believe in providing opportunities that children have to tackle themselves. Pupils are therefore actively involved in the foundation and are committed to help out during all sorts of activities for other children and visitors. In this manner they reduce their debt to Anak.
Anak Philippines is recognised by the Dutch Tax Revenues Office and can therefore carry the ANBI logo. Your donation is in good hands. Donations are valuable and are intended to be spent on projects for children in the Philippines. Anak can guarantee that your money will actually be spent on the children in need. In order to achieve this, we use a number of important rules:
Board members received basically no allowances for travel and accommodation
Printing is sponsored as far as possible, and communication takes place whenever possible by email and social media
Anak in the Netherlands has no office or staff. In the Philippines, the organisation costs are minimised.
Sponsors are welcome to visit our office in the Philippines. There are exposure trips organised to the Philippines.
We are happy to provide more information on request. Anak is obliged to be accountable to sponsors through newsletters and annual reports.